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Grand Design Page 10


  Bianca’s convoy rolls down the streets of the capital city, they’re challenged by various weaponry on every corner. The insides of the heavy tank rang from the constant impact of enemy fire. Most of the resistance was easily dispatched until they got to block 23.

  Civilians littered the streets, running in all directions. Alone girl stood squarely in front of Bianca’s tank. Bianca screamed at her but she did not move. Finally she grabbed a rifle and popped open the hatch. Their eyes locked. The girl was an albino, with white hair and eyes. Her stare could see through to her soul, Bianca felt frozen, a couple near misses and the little girls father taking her to safety woke Bianca up. Her troops pulled her in and closed the hatch.

  “What the hell was that?!” Cried Gorky.

  “I know that stare, but it wasn’t from a little girl…”

  “Well, wake up there’s a blockade ahead, we’re in for a fight!”

  Alexander starts the tank moving again and rams squarely into the blockade made of old transports and trash. Bianca again popped open the hatch to see General Randald on the other side firing his weapon in one arm and holding the flag of the Empire in the other.

  Bianca and her troops were pinned inside their transports. They could fire back but could not see their targets. Alexander threw out a few smoke grenades, and some troops were able to get out and use the blockade for cover themselves.

  “Bianca!” yelled the general from the other side of the trash hill. “Cease fire!”

  Bianca told her men to stop, and answered back, “You’re surrendering?! Perhaps you don’t have the balls everyone said you have.”

  “No Bianca, I’m giving you an ultimatum!”

  “Haaa, you can’t be serious!”

  “Surrender now and I won’t have to kick your pretty little ass all the way back to Meeran.”

  The General wanted her to get angry, but she understood psychology in warfare. On the contrary she found it amusing and laughed. She responded, “Never give-up, huh?”

  “Never ever…! You surrender?” he asked back.

  “Hell!” She started firing over the mound and the rest of them joined in. Debris from the surrounding buildings was raining down around them. Alexander gets all the flash grenades he can and as a group they throw them over the hill. By the time Bianca’s troops get over, no one is there. The General was gone. But the bodies of civilians were all over. The wild crossfire had them trapped.

  Bianca knew Jacob would not be pleased.

  The mobile Palace was being readied by the security chief when the Chancellor’s transport arrived. The smoke and debris started to cause it’s own weather pattern, gloomy and storming. Without delay Chief Conner Rain rushed the Chancellor and his statesman on the ship and and walked out to close the door.

  The Chancellor seemed confused, he questioned Conner, “Aren’t you coming aboard?”

  “No, I’ll join you on Frontier. I need to get the rest of our supplies on the Generals ship. We’ll escort you out to free space where you can make your jump.”

  “Good luck brother.” The Chancellor acknowledged.

  “Don’t worry I’ve got everything under control!” The chief sealed the door.

  The engines start with a loud rumble as the General arrives to his ship. The Meeran heavy artillery starts to fire in a constant roar, inching ever closer to their position. The signaled to start the engine on his ship before he even reached the gate and drives it into the loading bay.

  Both ships are off the ground before all the doors are closed, the Chancellors ships moves first and the General’s stays close behind to fire on anyone who gets in the way. They both speed their way through to the upper atmosphere to face the Meeran blockade of battleships in space.

  “Open fire! All guns!” Ordered the general, “And don’t let up until they’re white hot!” All guns fire in all directions covering the Chancellors ship.

  The security chief walks to the window, pulls out the remote detonator that Bianca gave him on frontier and presses the button. The Chancellors ship shimmies from a large explosion just before it makes the jump past light speed and disappears. The chief puts the detonator back in his pocket and mumbles under his breath, “So long chancellor, dear brother.”


  Bianca’s tank pulled up to cathedral, she and her troops filed out of their vehicles. It was quiet, no one was firing at them. It seemed eerie. She walked up the long stars to the door with gun gripped tight in her arms.

  The door opened and Olivia smiled down at her and said, “If I know you were coming, I would have cleaned up!”

  Bianca was pissed, “Ooow, what the hell was wrong with your radio?”

  “It broke as soon as we hit the ground. Charlie dropped it… then ran it over with a tank… twice.”

  Bianca walked in, as they walked down the hallway she pulled out her sword and dragged it against the wall. It sparked on some spots, but other it cut down the paintings and other hanging symbolic decorations. She could not help but speak out, “I came, I saw, I conquered”

  Olivia responded, “No no, something classical like…” she walks out to the middle of the foyer. "Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears; I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him."

  “Not bad. Not bad. But we have to remember, it takes more than might to conquer our enemies, we must also use seduction.”

  Chapter 11


  Jacob and Jeremy loved to explore the cellar of Papa's old house. It was old and dusty a full of danger, Jacob kept a watchful eye on his little brother, at the same time he looked for new and interesting stuff. He looked through the old toys and took a shining to an old robot. He’s never seen one like this since there aren’t many robots left. The Terrains are considered the ultimate achievement in robotics, why would anyone want the others around?

  He flipped the switch on and the lights in his eyes being to turn on. “Good morning!” it exclaimed.

  Jacob and Jeremy laughed for it was not morning. Jacob gave an order, “Re-calibrate!”

  The robot took a moment and said, “Oh dear, I’ve been out a very long time. Are one of you master William”

  Jeremy said, “William is our Papa.”

  “Your Papa? I suppose that’s logical, considering the time that passed. Is the war over?”

  Jacob knew history, it was his best subject i n school. “There have been many wars.”

  “Well greeting, they call me Hector. May I be of assistance?”

  “I’m looking for some old books… something different.”

  “Well the master had many books.” The robot drove around the corner. “Here’s some good classic books by Samuel Langhorne Clemens.”

  “I’ve read enough Mark Twain… “ Jacob stops mid sentence. He spotted a book on the top shelf with weird symbols on it. He climbed up the racks and pulled it down. “Hector, what is this?”

  “I believe it is an ancient books of secrets about the Knights Templar. They’re long gone now, it may be an interesting read.”


  Jacob ship arrives, it is much bigger than the Chancellor's ship and far less graceful. It is a battleship after all and not built for luxury. It’s job is not to instill awe, but to invoke fear. The landing too is rough, mechanical and cold. Meeran soldiers clear a walking path from the ships ramp to the cathedral door. As the doors open Jacobs personal guards and advisors step out. Then comes Jacob and his brother Terrance.

  They move down the path but couldn’t help notice the civilian casualties being piled up. Jacob was disgusted with this. He resolved that this will not go without repercussions.

  They walk into the building and the Ambassador, joins them. “Your highness, the capital city is secure. There are checkpoints on all major road. The minor roads have been destroyed. Our sleeper agents have taken over law enforcement.”

  Jacob did little to acknowledge the ambassador’s existence but he continued walking, “Our extensive lobbying
and campaign contributions for the outlying governors has also paid off. We should have most resistance crushed on 48 hours.”

  Jacob looks only into Olivia’s eyes and nodded. Bianca was shocked, she asked with a whisper, “What was that?”

  “I wrote his speech.”

  “Ohhh” Bianca said logically.

  Jacob walked up the stairs to the and sat on the Chancellor's chair, doing so with command and authority. A camera is setup watching him and the cameraman does a countdown with his finger. When the green light goes on, Jacob speaks. “Greeting, I am King Lanner of Meeran and despite what you’ve been told I’ve come as a liberator not as a conqueror. For far too long the Empirical economy has been on the brink of collapse. The politicians spend money they don’t have knowing full well that will have to raise taxes yet again, even after they promised not too. Isn’t half more then enough?

  “The income gap between the rich and poor has grown. With corporate tax loopholes the rich buy yachts, and take lavish vacations while nearly 15% of our people cannot find work. Government regulation has gone to far. Buying a home used to be a simple affair, now we need permission to even look.

  “And your children are not immune, the education system has fallen behind and crippled by bureaucrats and unions and very air you breath is poisoned.”

  “Friends, Countrymen, fellow Citizens of the Great Empire. I have felt your pain and suffering, I understand repression and living under fear. As a child I shook with fear as the Adlit invaded my home and took my family. All because of one simple thing, I’m human.

  “King Lanner of Lomen adopted my as his own. He tried to shelter me the best he could. But the fear that Adlit inflicted was never far from us and the memories of my family haunted my dreams.

  “I’ve come to bring safety. I’ve come to bring freedom, and peace. Let everyone live where they desire, let the rich pay their fair share so that everyone can get their basic right to health care. If the unions stand in the way then let them be abolished, and let no one take away your rights as parents. And let our children sleep without fear…”

  A rifle blast shatters a 3rd floor window and come within an inch of Jacobs ear. His personal guards huddle around to cover him and the technician cut the video feed. The General ordered his men to find the shooter.

  Bianca came to Jacobs aid, “Are you alright?” she holds his head and looks all over for injury.

  “I am fine…” he whispers back.

  “I swear I will cut the person up who did this, piece by piece.”

  “Be careful what you wish for in moments of anger.” Said the shadowed voice to Jacob.

  Moments later Meeran troops bring in a boy in his young teens. He was wild, defiant and full of rage.

  “Bring him here.” Jacob says stepping down from the throne. They bring him to within an arms length. “Why?”

  “You killed my family! You and her…!” he looks at Bianca. She felt stunned and ashamed. His family were among those who were killed in the final assault.

  “Enough of this.” said the General. “Have the boy removed and sent for re-education.”

  “No.” said Jacob. “He is a dark place and will dwell there the rest of his life. The thought of revenge will consume him.” he pulls the boy’s head closer and whispers in his ear. The child goes limp and falls to the floor. Jacob follows him and catches his fall. He held the boy in his arm like it was his own child. “I cannot curse you to live with so much grief and hate.” He brushes the boys hair.

  “This is war,” Said the General, “Did you expect this to be bloodless.”

  Jacob stood, pushed the General to the wall and held a blade to his neck, “They’re pulling their dead at the gates! You goals and ambitions may not mirror my own, but you will follow my orders!” He takes a look at Bianca. “Do you know why I’m doing this? My ambition is not to conquer, but to save. Some would say that my ends justify my means... Why are all of you here?”

  “Tell us brother.” said Terrence. “Do you know why were here?”

  Jacob let the General go, “I know you more than you know yourselves! Our general here wants to prove his writings, that he’s the ultimate military strategist. Olivia, you’ve never moved out of your hatred of the Adlit, you’re here for revenge and your hoping I will still give you what you desire.” he walks over to Bianca. “You’re here because you crave power.”

  “And me?” again asked Terrence.

  “You’re afraid of becoming a footnote in history and Olivia won’t think of you as a strong leader. Don’t worry you will have your chance at greatness. Never the less, you all need me. I am the wish-master, the genie in the bottle to make all your dreams come true. You are here because of me! Otherwise you would be all back in your pathetic lives. Follow me to greatness or live in in obscurity.” Jacobs voice echoed through the building.

  Lt Alexander walks in, “Excuse me your highness, we have found the vault.”

  “Good I will be there momentarily.” he points to the boys body, “See that he is buried with his family.”

  “Now General,” Jacob moves in for a private conversation. “We must discuss our problem with the pirates. One of their ships tried to take me out on the way here.”

  “I’m sure your escorts dispatched him to the netherworld.” he said with confidence.

  “Not exactly,” Jacob moved his eyes down and tilted his head. “My escorts followed him nearly into the corona of a star before he just disappeared. It appear that they have Belru technology.” Jacob looks up. “Which makes them more dangerous. We must engage them more diligently, we don’t need anymore complications in this matter.”

  At the same time Gorky and Bianca were also discussing important matters.

  “...But you never told me your brother was going any further than this.” Gorkey Whispered to her “The way he’s talking it sounds like he wants the whole Empire.”

  Bianca looked into his eyes with a fierce stare and said, “He does.”

  She breaks off the conversation and follows Jacob who is enters a hallway to another lobby. About halfway down she grabbed Jacob, pushed him to the wall and kissed him passionately. “You get me all worked up when you get so intense.” she said seductively with her lips very close to his and kisses him again.

  Jacob pulls her away and says, “This is neither the time or the place…” and walks into the following chamber.

  Bianca took a moment to catch her breath and follows him in.

  Lt. Alexander speaks first, “We found the main vault entrance under the statute. It requires a hand print identification. There appears to be class 7 lock behind it with level 3 fail safes. MBQ Corp.”

  “The secrets of the Noddian,” he looked up at the chaplains gathered together. “One of you have the key.”

  “Choose wisely, Jacob.” Said the shadow. “Let’s see how smart you really are.”

  Jacob walks through the crowed of chaplains, “It’s futile to be so uncooperative. Why should you all die on principle. I know what you're hiding. All the secrets of the Nod. Maybe a few Guardians? Wouldn’t that be something. But of course none of you are allowed to know these secrets…” he reached an old blind chaplain. “...or even look at them.” Jacob points to the old man. “Here’s your gatekeeper. Pull him out to the floor.”

  The guards pull him away from his escorting chaplain and left him standing alone on the floor.

  “I don’t want to do this…” Jacob said.

  “Then don’t, we can all live in peace.” The man said.

  “I’d like nothing more, but actions speak louder than words. Where were you when the Adlit attacked my home? When my family ran for our lives in the streets?” Jacob got close to his face. “You old man, you were standing guard over the one thing that could have stopped it all. I hold you responsible for all the death that has occurred, and I hold you responsible for what is to come.”

  “We all have had our challenges in life. You have been made stronger for it…”

nbsp; “ what cost?”

  “That is something I should ask you! You have weakened us in the site of our enemies!”

  “I’m not the one hiding my motivations under falsehoods. Let the Warren come!” Jacob steps back, “Enough, we can do this the easy way or hard way.”

  “I will not help you.”

  Jacob looks up at Bianca, she pulls out her sword and comments, “The easy way then?”

  Chapter 12


  “Terra Prime has fallen, Jeremy” said General Travis Parker from over the communication screen. “They were good, they had to have Carlos with them, everything we had planned fell apart in minutes and the satellite system never engaged.”

  A solemn look washed over Jeremy’s face. “What do you need me to do?”
