Grand Design Page 2
Despite the yelling Jacob remained calm, he sat at his throne and began fighting with a dagger, a dagger with the family crest on the end. “Why do you support the Adlit so? Even the humans hate them. Hell, if you wrong a human they band together. If you wrong an Adlit they say good riddance, despite being genetically identical. This has been a long time coming, I did what I had to do for my people.”
“Your people? You threaten to rip apart the Empire! Terrains need to be united against this. Just wait until I get back and notify Parliament! I feel I have no choice but to recommend your removal from power.”
Again calm not even looking the Chancellor in the eyes, “Have you seen the news lately?”
The Chancellor eagerly returns to his ship and orders his statesmen to turn on the news. To his horror he saw the Meeran and Lomen people rising up in support and protesting the Terran Government. Signs of condemnation and flags burning with angry protesters shouting into the cameras.
“Jacob...” the chancellor says to himself. “My old friend what are you planning? Security from the Adlit or from the Empire?”
“I have a bad feeling about this.” Said the statesman.
“You’ve got that right, tell the captain to head to the badlands, I want to see this for myself.” The chancellor settles in front the the screen to watch the news.
The reporter, the screen, switched from the protests to the military action itself, “The third wave now is taking off from Meeran bases near the badlands. We’re told the target is the fortified areas of Creat and Dunkin. There holds up the bulk of the Adlit resistance. No word as to any POWs, I’m getting no indication that any prisoners are being taken or if any surrendered. The first two wave were devastating, completely wiping out all the settlements on the border and pushing the Adlit Militia to the last remaining strongholds in the badlands.
“The Adlit Federation on Lomen strongly condemn the attacks and state that this could jeopardize the truce. The badlands being outside the Adilt Federation territory leaves little hope that Federation forces can arrive in time. With Terrain and Frontier forces patrolling the Empire for pirates, there couldn’t be any organized response for days, maybe a week. “
The Chancellor's ship comes up over the badlands, he looks out to see fire and wreckage. Nothing is left standing. The captain speaks over the intercom, “We’re being warned off Chancellor. The Meeran battle cruiser is blocking our path.”
“Get us home Captain, I’m going to be very busy. We’re going to have to work quickly if we’re going to prevent a civil war.”
At the palace Jacob and his Viceroy were studying the status of the campaign. While they discuss matters, a woman of average stature but fiery red hair walked in with short graceful steps.
“He’s going to be trouble.” She said leaning over the 3D map of the battlefield, “He knows you envy power.”
“The Chancellor?” asked Jacob without removing his eyes from the map. “He’s nothing but a tool, I used him to get what I want.”
“He suspects your ambition, he knows you want it all.”
The shadowed voice speaks, “Does he not want all the power for himself, is he willing to let his own people suffer to appease the Adlit.” No one responds to the voice, for only Jacob can hear it.
Jacob sits back in his chair and puts his hand on a small decorative box, “He calls himself the Chancellor to rule over the nine kings. What good is an Empire without an Emperor?”
“Or an Empress?” she said gracefully and a smile. She moves her face closer to his.
The shadows speaks, “She craves power, you crave justice and peace.”
Jacob says to her, “Careful Bianca, the Empire thinks we’re brother and sister.”
“Is that why you have Abby around, to keep up appearances?”
"She is here for another purpose, all will be revealed in time. Beside ‘The course of true love never did run smooth.’" quoting Shakespeare,
“What will it matter when you’re Emperor? He’s going to expose that you’re human anyways, by then it will be too late. And if he doesn’t, they’ll know it when they see you receding hairline.” She said playfully. Terrains don’t lose their hair.
“Oh shave it off, I think you’ll look sexy bold.” she said petting his head, “Let the Empire know that you’re not the same as the others. Let them know a new order has begun.”
“I’ve called on you for a purpose.”
“Anything for you.” At this moment her lips are only inches from his ear.
“I fear our brother may make a move without us. I will need to prepare our forces in the event that they’re needed.” He turns to her ”I need you to see Arnold on Cleo, see if you can get the next phase of our plan into effect. See, if you can get the Trade Union deny entrance to any Adlit refugees. Tell him we’ll open the whole border with the Badlands for their trading routes. That move alone should save them a fortune.”
“And if they don’t cooperate?”
“You’re a smart girl. Do what you have to do.”
“Consider it done.” she said standing straight, she reached for his chessboard and makes a move. “Check.” She smiled and walked away.
Chapter 2
Kingdom of Lomen
“Please sit down it’s time for class to begin.” Miss Holly said to her class. The students all surround the tables with the holographic teacher. “Today we’re going to talk about the human uprising and why humans live on reservations.”
Many of the students never meet a human, they remember their parents talking about colonies of them here on Lomen but there haven’t been any since the civil war.
“Around 120 years ago the Adlit petitioned for membership in the great Empire. They were on many planets of the badlands and have been migrating to Lomen for over a millennium. Thousands of years ago the Adlit home world was destroyed in the great galactic war. The humans and Adlit, although genetically identical were on opposite sides of that war.
“Upon receiving word of the petition the humans protested. Now the Terrains outnumber the humans 10 to 1 so control of parliament and the Imperial government was and has always been in Terran hands. When the Terrains voted to approve the membership, the humans moved to seize power, they even had the help of Terrains on Lomen. After 8 days the rebellion was put down. Today marks the holiday Barber Day, after Franklin Barber who lead the revolt. This is celebrated on both the reservation and by the Terrains Lomen and Meeran. Most other Terrains consider this day blasphemy.
“As a result of the revolt, the Lomen home world was split and the Alit Federation was given a quarter of it, now half since the civil war. The humans were forced to live on reservations on Frontier, some are allowed to live on Terra prime for political reasons.”
One student raised her hand, “Yes Stephine, you have a question?”
“Are they free to do things we do? Can they travel, drive cars or own businesses?” She asked.
“Yes, the only restrictions are they must spend most of their time on the reservation. They may not migrate elsewhere. Above all they can’t serve in the military.”
Today is a holy day on Lomen as well as a holiday. King Terrence Lanner is in chapel for the service along with the Queen and others of his cabinet. Even though they’re all in the service they’re far from removed to what’s going on. Some touch a small device in their ear confirming that they heard the latest news. Only the one behind the king was distracted with his eyes as well as his ears.
“Today is a special day, Barber Day.” Said the chaplain who was not very fond of the holiday himself. “A day commemorating a day of protest. We celebrate it by day long celebration; cookouts, sports and finish with fireworks. A human holiday, yet no humans live amongst us.”
The Chaplin walks back and forth, wondering how to say what he wants without offending others. “But today we also celebrate the existence of the algorithm. Without which all Terrain would not exist. A hu
man created the algorithm to create a more perfect machine that could grow and experience life. In doing so we would all learn what it would be like to be human. This was long foretold as the Technological Singularity. The moment we were truly alive. Now are born, grow up, have children of our own, grow old and when it is time, we die. They named us Terrains, which was another word for human.
“Our creators instilled five sacred words in the algorithm; Knole, Kompas, LaSpire, DaFran, and Pirant. Translated that’s Knowledge, Compassion, Spirit, Unity, and Purification. In knowledge we must always learn new things and correct misguided judgments. Compassion is to be sympathetic for all creatures. Spirit is for nurturing the being inside us. Unity to live in harmony with all creatures. Purification is to keep us on the correct path.
“For some, it is not in their nature to fit in or conform. It is difficult for us to understand them, but we must always strive to learn so that we can be sympathetic to them. Only through this can there be unity. If we all agree to strive for this goal, then someday we will no longer need a wall, no longer hear rockets in the middle of the night, be able to reach over to our brethren and say ‘welcome’”
After the service was over the Chaplain stood at the door greeting everyone on the way out. King Terrence, his Queen Olivia, and cabinet hoped to get away quietly but the Chaplin noticed. “Your highness....!” she spoke out. Terrence stopped in his place, disappointed that he was caught. “Did you enjoy the service?”
Terrence grinned, “Madeline, I couldn’t help but feel the sermon was aimed at me and our brothers to the east.”
“Indeed it was, someday we will have to learn to make peace with the Adlit. There simply is no other way.”
The air raid sirens go off signaling yet another rocket attack from over the border. The Queen buries her face, not out of fear but to hide her anger.
The King said, “How many more nights do our children have to wake up to this? When will they stop sending rockets over? I was one of the lucky ones” He looked to the Queen ”I didn’t loose my family during the civil war. When these terrorist attacks stop then there will be peace. But you may not like how it gets accomplished. The humans knew this, look what happened to them.”
“Your brother on Meeran seems to be taking matters in his own hands. I hope you choose the path of peace. If we seek to gain revenge, then we must dig a grave for ourselves.”
Members of the Kings cabinet urge him to seek shelter, they soon depart in a military shuttle with all his security in tow. Chaplin Madeline knew something was up. She had hoped to steer the King to peace. But the pit in her stomach says otherwise.
The Kings shuttle lands at the palace to a flurry of reporters questioning the recent invention into the badlands by his brother. At first he ignores them but one reporter bring up rumors that his brother is a human. He stopped and turned to speak, “When my brother Jacob took the throne on Meeran, the government was in disarray. They...We were all in a deep depression and our money was worthless. Together we turned our Kingdoms around and created a better living for all Terrains on Meeran and Lomen. He created the Iron Dome to help our children sleep at night and he united our people for a more secure future. Who gives a damn whether or not he’s human?”
“What about reports of military action in the Badlands?” Said a reporter, “Is the Loman Military preparing to take action?”
“I will not prepare for war on a holiday! Let us partake in the festivities and rejoice. We commissioned the largest fireworks display we’ve ever had. Come and enjoy!”
With that he departed and entered the Palace.
“He’s 5 light years away and he still gets more attention. I will not be upstaged.”
The Queen comes to his side, “Don’t tell me you’re jealous of him?” Holding his hand.
“A little, but I wouldn’t be here without him.” He sighs. “He deserves it. But it doesn't mean I can’t make my own way. We will move tonight.” he grabs her and twirls her into a dance. “But first we will celebrate!”
She laughs and they kiss.
That night everyone is celebrating citizens are intoxicated and the fireworks are spectacular. The royal ballroom if full of carefully selected guests, the music plays continuously as they mingle. The fireworks reach a climax as they look above in a gaze and cheer at the end of the grand finally. The Queen makes her way to her room along with her handmaidens. King Terrence’s general secretly whispers in his ear, “It has begin.”
Several hundred hover speeders fly over the demilitarized zone each one with their own assigned target. Several troop carriers take off with commandos ready to take control of strategic targets and thousands of tanks and other ground vehicles break down the border walls and enter the Adlit territory.
Sensing an attack has begun the Adlit launch a full and furious rocket barrage into the cities on the other side. Most of which were intercepted by the defense systems. The Adlit Militia was in disarray as the speeders attack each of their targets. The commandos take over their targets and execute the inhabitants. The Adlit public panic and rush to escape the cities.
The Queen watches the fires burn from her loft. She breathes deep and closes her eyes to whisper to herself, “You taunt us, do we not fear? You bomb us do we not hide? You destroy our families do we not seek revenge? Shall in these confines with a monarch's voice. Cry Havoc!” She cried out startling the handmaidens. She watched the fires turn to explosions and continued quoting Shakespeare, “...and let slip the dogs of war, That this foul deed shall smell above the earth with carrion men, groaning for burial. Revenge should have no bounds. May you all burn in hell.” She begins to weep.
The General’s pushed forward gaining new territory that the Lomen have not occupied in decades. Each soldier was authorized to take what he wanted and encouraged to leave no one alive to complain. With each passing hour the reports of success continues to roll in. King Terrence and his Generals watched all the progress from safe bunker. They studied and made changes while the situation changed.
Then one by one the reports stopped coming in. The General lost contact with his men and the satellites reported movement in the opposite direction. “What’s going on? We need information! Warn your field officers what we see and order them to report everything they can.”
Queen Olivia walks in, “What’s happened?”
“Somethings gone wrong, we’re losing contact with key regiments and the battle lines are reversing direction.”
The a general comes back sometime later with news, “Your Highness, it appears that some of the Militia are armed with an EMP device. We managed to kill several of them. The availability of this device appears limited but they’ve been placed in strategic locations to create the situation we now face.”
“Damn them, Terrains are susceptible to strong electrical disturbances.”
“Your Highness, the Adlit Militia have used this well to their advantage, we run the risk of being overrun. They have stopped their bombardment and the citizenry have already abandon the city. We must leave to fight another day.”
“Retreat?” gasped the Olivia, “Against these animals who want our homes?”
“The barbarians are at the gates ma'am.” responded the general.
“We must leave!” said Terrence grabbing her arm. “Colonel Barri an we need you to cover use from here.”
She pulls from his hand, “I stay with my people,not run like a coward. I shall meet the enemy as a Lomen!”
Terrence is shocked, “You are mad with revenge, and it has brought chaos to our King dome.” The King and the General left, leaving the Colonel and a half dozen of his staff.
“What’s going on?” asked Olivia.
“The EMP pulse seems to have completely knocked out our troops leaving them vulnerable to counterattack.” Said the Colonel.
“How come it doesn’t affect them.”
“Well the Adlit are basically human...”
“That’s it...” She interrupted, “The human
uprisings! Don’t you see, the human uprisings were put down with ultrasonics!”
The Colonel’s eyes opened bright, “The Museum!”
She smiles, “Colonel gather what’s left of your men, we have a mission.”
“I fight with my people. Enough stalling we have a King dome to save.”
“This way your highness.” Everyone quickly exits the bunker, the sounds of fighting fill the air, smoke makes it hard to see. “You’ll need this.” He hands her a weapon, “Stay close to me, we have six blocks to go.”
“Like glue Colonial.” They run down a block and the fighting gets louder. They meet up with a group of about three dozen men. They huddle behind a hastily made bunker, many of them with metal hats on. At first Olivia thought they looked funny, but then realized it was quite logical. The soldiers recognized her and were astonished that a member of royalty would be in their midst, in a war zone.
The Colonial crawled to the lieutenant. “What’s your situation?”
“We’re trying to get to that building over there, weapons are stash in it.” Yelled the lieutenant.