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Christopher and Lilith walk into the room and away from the doors. “Let me get you a drink?” he asked.
“Sure um... something sweet. Thanks.” She responded.
He walks off after she discovers a little something extra in her pocket. She pull out a note and reads it discreetly. After that she looks up to meet Bianca’s eyes and nods.
“Listen up everyone” said Bianca ringing her glass, “Since most of you are here maybe we can get things started. It’s no secret that I’m here because of recent events on Meeran and Lomen. For too many decades we’ve constantly lived in fear and the threat of terrorist attacks. Attacks that occur so often they no longer are reported by the press. We finally reached the point that living this way was no longer an option and we took steps to end it.
“However as long as the Adlit have a place to go, there is always a threat. I’ve come to appeal to each of you to pressure the importance of not allowing them asylum on Cleo. I’ve already tried my best to changed the CEO’s mind about this but I fear I must go to the House to do get done what is required. Let’s not forget that we only have a three member advantage in the Representative side. If the Adlit come, in vast numbers, they could destabilize your government. The Chancellor is pushing hard for you to open the boards, and has even threatened sanctions. This has caused the CEO to close his doors to me.
“If the CEO does not change his mind, I urge you to enact a vote of no confidence.” the room growns under this suggestion. “I know that the CEO’s deals with the Chancellor are very lucrative, so let me make this easier on you. Meeran will allow unrestricted shipping through our border regions with the badlands. That will save you time and fuel. More than enough to make up for your losses.” Some applause.
“One more thing. As you know the pirate clans have been moving more and more lately. I happen to know that one of the CEO’s advisors is a leak.” the groaning is louder. “All the shipments that have been taken past through his desk. I will reveal the name at the board meeting tomorrow.
“I trust you all to make the correct decision.” With that the party continued without interruption.
“Carlos!” She yelled out, he turns and she waves him over. “My brother is a big fan of your book.”
“I know, I see he used some of my strategies in battle.”
“Your accomplishments are legendary. You defeated the Warren and setup the frontier to keep us safe from other alien incursion.”
“Thank you, you’re one of the few that still thinks highly of me. The chancellor pushed me out of the way the moment he didn’t need me.”
“We need you.” she finishes her drink and puts it down. “Shall we talk in private?”
The following morning marked this month’s first session for both houses. The Representative of the People and the Board of directors start together for a special hearing.
“Bang! Bang1 Bang!” the gavel came down, the Executive officer was calling everyone “Come on, Come on be seated so that we can begin. We will start with the CEO and follow up with guest Bianca. After that both house will have their say. Ladies and Gentlemen, the CEO.”
Everyone stands in respect, some even clap. He walks up to the podium with a well prepared speech. “Thank you, we’re here to address the issue of allowing the Adlit to refugee status on Cleo. As you know the Lanner brothers have made it a personal vendetta to remove the Adlit from their land and making every effort to destroy them. I always hesitate before I use the word genocide, but I fear in this case it fits.
“We cannot just sit this out, at the very least we can give these people sanctuary. This will also grant us favor with the Chancellor. But I believe in the humanitarian issues involved. Through history humanity has been plagued by situations like this, many times their brothers failed to help. Only when it was too late did they help, by then the conflict grew to affect everyone. This is our time to be on the right side. I trust that you will all back me on my decision.”
The CEO steps down and the Executive steps up, “Ms Bianca Lanner of Meeran.”
Bianca steps to the podium “There was once a roman who said ‘There is no sanctuary so holy that money cannot profane it, no fortress so strong that money cannot take it by storm.’ For be it to say I have no ulterior motives. But the CEO is far from a saint. He will do nothing if there’s no profit in it, but none of you will see a dime.” The CEO sat uneasy, as a shareholder it is her right to speak, but he doesn’t like it.
“My brothers moved because they were provoked. Even before the civil war the Adlit pushed to gain power to control us, scare us or kill us. They teach their children that we are not alive, that we are blasphemy in the eyes of the creator. Machines created by man, created a little too perfect. We breath, bleed, have pain and die just like them. We love our children and hurt to see them in fear. Imagine not being able to sleep at night, knowing at any moment they could launch an attack? Or that the transport you go to school in could explode?
“We’ve tried... so hard to make peace. We could not make them believe it, nor they will understand what we felt. I warn you, if they come here, they will take over. They will implement their rules and you will not have a choice. It will be a hostile takeover and your children will be afraid.
“If you cannot convince CEO Douglas Randell to what needs to be done, then I recommend removing him.” the room remained silent “In the last several months Randell made a series of blunders that lost you the contracts with Meeran, Arlos, and Whim. I’m prepared to renew our old deal and open our borders for your trade routes.”
The CEO and his advisors started talking on their communicators in a panic.
“You’ve also had many pirate attacks lately, I believe this is an inside job from within the board and I believe...”
“Sorry to interrupt, but a violent uprising is in effect.” said the CEO while standing, “I must go to my office to …”
Several explosion are heard and there’s shooting in the halls. Bianca gets behind the desk and looks at her watch, “Just a little early...no matter.”
As violent riots are breaking out all over the capital, Tempest and her father move to take advantage of the situation. They hid just outside of the warehouse containing the Vault. As the guards finally get nervous enough to run off and help their friends, father and daughter move in but careful to avoid any security left behind. They take very small hover to the top of the building and slide down through the flight hatch. They detach from the hover and work they’re way down the hanger bay.
The Vault is a building within a building, to add more security to the most secure. It only have one security flaw, it can be opened by a simple security pass. Not all passes work, but one that is stolen can. They open the Vault and slip inside, Tempest goes one way and her father goes another. She quickly finds what she needs in a small square foot box and signals her father it’s time to go. But he stands stunned.
She walks up to him and turns to see what he sees. A machine of some type. A robot, a woman. A giant machine that can only be one thing. “Is that a Guardian?”
“I think so honey, but I’ve never seen one up close.” he finally spoke.
“Is it alive?”
“If the legends are true, then she’s deader there than a stern bat. They’re probably keeping it for study.”
She reaches for the shipping manifest, “This says its going to the Frontier... This changes everything.”
Later that day the riots have been dispersed, arrests have been made but the heightened security remains. Bianca enters the spaceport with her suitcase and stands at the counter waiting for a clearance for her to take off.
Tempest steps to the desk with an identical case and placed it beside her. Bianca gets her pass and picks up the other case without even looking at tempest. She walks to security and begins the security process. But one of the guards pulls her aside and said, “May I look in your case?”
s with me,” Bianca’s eyes look up to see Gorky behind her, “The CEO wanted me to see her personally returned safely to Meeran.”
“Very well sir.” the guard stepped away.
“Think you need to do something about that fire.” She pointed to one of the shops, totally engulfed in flames. They leave in the confusion and walk a bit down the hallway before Bianca said, “I see you got my message, your packed and ready to go.”
“I’ve been trying to get away from the CEO for a while, I was too afraid whoever I went with would turn me over or get paid off and turn me over.” Said Gorkey
She smiles “We’re going to go on a wonderful adventure. Let’s get one thing straight muscle head. My heart’s spoken for, but I’ll make sure you’re not left wanting. You will have all you want.”
“I want to crack some heads.”
She’s smiles with sedition, “Good, because we’ll be doing that too.”
They both enter the ship, she get the engines started but leaves the door open for a little longer. She looks out to the terminal and see tempest looking back.
“Who’s that?” Asked Gorky.
“An old friend, she was supposed to sneak back in the ship.” Bianca places her fist over her heart and points to her. “I think she has something she has to do.” Tempest returns with an open hand on the window.
The ship takes off and when she leaves the atmosphere makes the jump to hyperspace.
The communication screen come on and Jacob’s face appears. “I trust your mission is successful?” He asked.
“Have it right here, and their government has been thrown into complete chaos. They’ll be electing a new CEO anytime. I’ll be on Whim in two days.” she responded.
“I see you’ve got something extra.” He said referring to Gorky.
“Don’t I always?”
“Where’s your friend?”
She looks sad, “Something happened, she’s dead.”
“I’m sorry, I know how much she meant to you.”
Chapter 4
The Adlit Federation
The Adlit schools are very different for the others, even the humans. Everyone else uses the education authority and holographic teachers educate the children. The Adlit have their own curriculum.
Of course due to circumstances, school today is not in the schoolhouse but a bunker. The teacher is determined to make a lesson of ii as he paces back and forth. Adlits all were a tattoo on their forehead signifying the clan they belong to as well as their family and allegiance. For a child, the allegiance is not yet set, they will not finish the tattoo until adulthood.
“For thousands of years the Adlit ruled over a quarter of the galaxy, it wasn’t until the Warren came did we lose any ground. That is the beginning of the great galactic war. The Warren did not make allies very well and our horde armies put down rebellions quickly. But after the Warren invaded the human homeworld for it’s resources and they convinced the humans to join them in their cause. That’s a human scientist name Laris Varker invented an energy cannon strong enough to destroy planets.
“When the Warren gained control of the weapon, they used it against the Adlit and destroyed our homeworld. The alliance between the Warren has always been a love / hate relationship. Eventually the human quest for independence became too much a threat. That ended with a battle that left both sides devastated. That is when the humans and the Adlit began to cooperate for mutual survival. Far gone are our home worlds, beyond the Frontier. But it is our destiny to rise again.
“When the human realized that their numbers were too small to contain, another scientist created the algorithm. An abomination, machines that breath, bleed and procreate as we do. But they are not alive. Someday we'll all be called upon to destroy them and Warren. We will rise again. We were born to rule the galaxy.“
Champlain Madeline entered the war zone on an errand of peace. She feels partly to blame to what has happened and hoped to negotiate a peace deal. She climbs to the top of the bunker where her Adlit friend stood.
“Welcome, Chaplain Madeline, come here and watch what evil has sown.” Said the Adlit watching the distant battle and fires. “We brought this on ourselves. We have such great pride for what we once were, that they cannot bring themselves to preach peace to the next generation.”
“Honored Zn, this is the work of a madman who’s obsessed with revenge.” She countered him.
“Our teachings have stirred the people to the point that we could not even control them. The youth fired rockets over the borders and we blessed them. I feel the God of the humans has damned us all.”
“One cannot damn all for the acts of such a few. Those who commit violence often have the loudest voice. Those who worship peace are often the first victims”
“You don’t understand,” He turned to her, “These hands are as dirty as the others. I knew what they were doing, and I turned away to stay ignorant. I must show you something, come and be quiet.”
They crawl off of the bunker and go down a dark alleyway followed by a dark tunnel. Guards did not want to allow Madeline to enter but they had to obey honored Zon’s commands. They enter a large warehouse with thousands of hairy bodies.
“What is this?” She asked.
“A new horde, enough to take over an empire.” he said turning on the lights. “But they are not ready.”
“But why are you showing me this now?”
“The Lomen and Meeran armies will soon overtake us. We will destroy what we can but there will always be enough to know what it was. When they do, they will show this to the rest of the empire and turn them against us. They will know we planned to take over the empire and they will condemn us and our children forever.”
“I will not let that happen, as long as there are those who believe in peace, we must prosper.”
“I fear the end is near, and we are responsible for yet another galactic war.”
After a moment of silence, Madelaine asked, “How will your people survive the attack?”
“The Adlit are full of Deceit, you will see in moments. We will survive today. Come.” The begin to walk down more halls and dark corridors until they arrive at the Adlit makeshift battlefield command.
It was filled with men communicating and strategizing, looking for weaknesses and how to exploit them. Commander Kar comments on their arrival, “About time you got here Zn, but you’ve brought an enemy into our midst.”
“Chaplin Madeline is a emissary for peace, she can do no more damage than what has already been done.” Zn reasoned as Madeline stood by quietly.
“The Trade Union turned their back against us. That Meeran witch poisoned them and they replaced their CEO. The Chancellor is working on his home Kingdom of Whim. It may take some time until ships arrive.” Kar looks to his display, “Our forces must hold until then, we can’t let them in the city. Take your friend below.”
They leave before Madeline asked, “Whim? Of all places. The planet of free love and carnal knowledge. How do you think that would end up?”
They both end up in a side corridor and Zn pulls out a packet of cigarettes, “I don’t know, care to smoke on it?”
“Ah, the only place in the Empire one can smoke. Yes please, I need to calm my nerves.”
“How many Terrains know it works on their nerves?”
“We don’t condone it.” She laughed.
“Come I’ll take you to your place for the night, We’ll fill you in on our strategy in the morning”
They walk down further into the bunker and Zn showed her a small spot resembling a small nest rather than a bed. “Reminds me of my military days, never looked so cozy.” Said Madeline with a smile.
“See you in the morning.” Zn bowed and walked on.
Madeline sat on her ‘nest’ and spotted an Adlit child looking at her. He hid between the wall and some boxes.
“Hello little one, it’s OK, I’m a chaplain. I’m sworn to peace.” she patted the ‘nest’ beside her
. “Come, I won’t bite, I’m a vegetarian. “
He laughed, he watched others walk by and figured if they couldn’t be bothered then she must be safe. He slowly came out and sat down beside her. “Are you Lomen?”
“Well I’m a Lomen Terrain if that’s what you’re asking. See this?” She points to her badge. “This gives me the rank of Champlain of the order. Come let me tell you a story.
“It’s about two brothers who were coming of age. It was time for them to either make their way in the world or take over the family business. Now father begs for both to join him, but Darren was not having it, he wanted to find his way in the world. Barlon was the other brother, he stayed and helped his father.
“Darren went into the world and became successful for a time, he never bother to call or write. Meanwhile Barlon stayed at home and helped father be rather successful on his own. As years passed Darren business failed and he lost everything he was homeless and he was too afraid to go home. But he had not choice, he gathered his courage and went home.