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Grand Design Page 6
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Page 6
An officer walks in and delivers Terrence a message. He opens it and begins to feel weak in the knees. He sat down crumbled the paper in his hands as his anger came out. Lashing out he flipped the table beside him.
“Sir, bad news?” asked the general.
“Continue the operation, this will have to wait for later.”
Chapter 6
Terra Prime - Seat of the Empire
Tara Prime’s schools are deep in the city, and scenic space is at a premium. To compensate the whole classroom is a holographic chamber. Today the school room looks like a park and Ms. Holly walks freely around the children.
“Today I we will be talking a little about the history of the Great Empire.” She said smiling, she waited patiently for the children to settle down. “Thousands of years ago the was the Great Galactic War. Where the Adlit, Humans, Beru, and even the Satro fought against the Warran. All sides were devastated and the death toll great. It came to a time that the survival was the only goal. Hence the Adlit, Humans and their new creation, the Terrains (us) decide to leave their mother planets for a haven far from the war.
“Here is a map of the Milky Way,” a star field shows up above the students, “Most stars are swirled around evenly, but some are clustered above and below the galactic plane. These are called Globular clusters. It was decided that the best way to defend themselves from the Warren was to migrate to this Globular cluster here. It took over a century before the migration was fully achieved. By then the Terrains outnumbered the humans and Adlit.
“Not long after independent kingdoms formed. But our forefathers and mothers knew that they would need to unite the Kingdoms for mutual defense. The Great Empire was created by the Kingdoms, for the Kingdoms. Not to replace, but to help protect all.
“The governing body consist of statesman and ambassadors who have been selected or elected from each of the kingdoms. The statesman represent the people, and the ambassadors represent the kingdoms. Together they negotiate treaties, settle disputes and create laws. The Chancellor would lead the union.
“The Adlit Federation were the ninth and last kingdom to join. There are three others who currently petition for representation, they are from the outlying stars.”
Jeremy's shuttle just arrived from Frontier but he did not have a moments rest. Others were waiting to greet him at the gate. The press was also there, not used to a human, or even an important one at that, leaving the human reservations.
He stepped off to see a familiar face, “Travis, General Travis Parker, finally glad to meet you in person.”
The general shook his hand, “Likewise, I’ve been reading your books, which brings me to why I called you here. Let’s get through the press and to the transport, I’ll explain on the way to parliament.”
The security guards push the press and crowd away to give them a path to walk out. At times they had to push themselves. Jeremy ignored the questions as he was in thought over the reason he was brought so far from home to Tara Prime. Home planet of the Empire.
They sat in the transport which quickly left. The General hand Jeremy a folder. “You need to study this as quickly as you can. Parliament is already in session and your scheduled to speak”
“What..?” Jeremy seemed surprised. “About what?”
“About the possibility that Meeran will invade Terra Prime. You’re the military analyst, read this and tell us what you think.”
They fly over a large group of protesters holding signs that said, “Occupy Parliament!” or “Jacob was right!” Then the transport landed in front of the parliament building.
Jeremy fumbles through the pages as the transport reaches it’s destination. He’s still going through it even as they walk through security and into the main parliament chamber. They quietly find their seat.
The Ambassador for Meeran is already speaking. “... not to mention the cloning chambers found. At last count there was 20, each had a thousand. With the Ark ships they could have taken them anywhere...”
General Parker whispered to Jeremy, “At last count there were 25, including one with mature warriors. They were untrained and easy to put down.”
“Looks like they were preparing for an invasion of their own.” Jeremy whispered back. “I guess we can give King Terrence Lanner credit for that or Jacob for starting it all.”
“He’s human.”
“What? Jacob? How do you know?”
“Lots of arrows pointing in the right direction.”
“My God, didn’t he come from Lomen?”
“Yes, and our thoughts match yours. The possibility is high he’s your brother.” Jeremy was stunned but the General continued. “He has a vendetta against the Adlit, I think he believes you're dead. He’s out for revenge, along with Terrence. Jeremy, he’s not stopping. He could threaten us all.”
“He’s certainly not stopping at Lomen. Who’s this?” he said pointing at a picture.
“That beauty is Bianca, where she goes trouble follows. We believe she’s behind the recent instability at the Trade Union, she’s been spotted on Whim. She also has reservations to land on Frontier. You know there is some speculation that they may be lovers.”
“That’s interesting... at least he grew up in a loving home.”
“He didn’t, his step mom was very abusive. She died when they were still kids. The father did what he could for them, they all have military college degrees. With their leadership skills Jacob and Terrence gained their own Kingdoms.”
“Yes, I am familiar with that.” Jeremy flipped a few pages and pointed something out. “The moon...”
“Whim’s moon, it was an old mining post. A fire made it impractical to continue. The Meeran military still holds many older style ships, they can be refueled on the unrefined fuel.”
“I knew you’d find something.” The General looks up, “Looks like the Adlit ambassador is up, I wonder what this son-of-a-bitch has to say.”
The Chancellor stands, “The floor recognizes the Adlit Ambassador Von.”
The Ambassador stands and walks to the podium at the center of the room. “Thank you for allowing me the chance to address these accusations. After hearing all that I almost felt like damning my own people. But you must look upon this from another facet. All kingdoms of the Empire have a defensive force. For the fast few decades there has been a state of tension between the Adlit and the Terrains on Lomen, and even on Meeran. Some individuals even take it on themselves to act without authority in violent ways. The decision was made to create a peacekeeping force. The horde has been our traditional army of the past. But we hoped to train them as peace keepers...”
“That asshole is knee deep in bullshit.” whispered the General.
“Has the thought ever occurred to you that if you cursed less then people would take you more seriously?”
“Fuck no.”
“Anyways, the Meeran can’t use the moon unless they can put out the fire. It doesn’t even need air. They’d have to use some sort of antimatter bomb to disrupt the chain reaction.”
“You’re shitting me...”
The General re-adjusted himself to get closer, “I shouldn’t be telling you this but I think you have a need to know.”
“Spill it.”
“There was a device stolen from Cleo a week ago. It’s called the AMCU. It will make the Antimatter needed to make a small bomb.”
“Bianca... all the arrows are pointing in her direction.”
“I think after this you need to go back to Frontier and find out what she’s after.”
“Whatever it is, I know it’s not rest and relaxation.”
“Unless it’s all a game to her. Looks like the Whim Ambassador is up, you’re up next. Watch him play all the sides to get what he can.”
The Whim ambassador takes his turn at the podium. “Fellow citizens of the empire, I will keep this brief. The Empire was formed for common security of all t
he Kingdoms. I make one last appeal, send help or we have to choice then to turn to Meeran for our security needs. May I remind the Chancellor that we opened our world to the Adlit on his urging. Chancellor, don’t let this die in committee.”
“You’re up next sweepy, knock ‘em out.”
The Chancellor again rises, “The floor recognizes Military Advisor Jeremy Forrest.”
He, stands at the podium and straightens his papers, “Times are indeed changing, Imagine a human addressing the parliament. The Empire is changing and if we don’t react then others will and that is just what the Meeran and Lomen are doing. The Empire failed to stay true to it’s charter, now a rival threatens to take it’s place.
“Each move that the Meeran military has taken has been straight toward us. The Adlits first safe haven would have been Cleo, home of the Trade Union. When the Adlit were denied there they were offered Whim. This was planned as you can see by this stellar map. If a base was created in the Whim system then that would put them in striking distance of Terra Prime. The Moon can be used as a refueling port.
“I think this visual makes it quite obvious. Jacob plans to invade. It is highly recommend that that both Imperial and Frontier forces be consolidated in these areas to defend the planet.”
“This is outrageous,” cried out the Meeran ambassador, “We go where the Adlit are, nothing more. We do not seek civil war!”
The Trade Union Ambassador also speaks his mind, “I don’t see any motivation in Meeran going any further. Besides pulling Imperial forces from patrol will leave us vulnerable to pirates. Not to mention rumors of movement in the Warren territories. I vote a negotiated non aggression pact. For the stability of the Empire we must have peace. Who seconds me?”
The Adlit Ambassador moves to stand but the Chancellor motions him to be calm.
“Aye” said the Meeran ambassador.
“I third” said the Acedia Ambassador.
The Meeran ambassador turns to the Chancellor, “By the rules of our parliament this vote must be brought to the floor.”
“Aye, I will bring the vote,” He stands “But not until after I have my say. I have witnessed the destruction of the badlands myself. I have seen the bodies, the Adlit never stood a chance. Voting for peace is a vote for genocide.
“I’ll make this easy, I have created an executive order to provide aid to Whim and help place the Adlit in underpopulated areas...”
“Underpopulated?” Protested the Whim Ambassador, “We want them removed! Even our people are starting to riot. Time is of the essence, vote for peace if you must. But if the Empire is unable to help, then we’ll be forced to call on those who can!”
The Chancellor continued. “Gentlemen, the Empire was created to restore civility to all our people. As I was saying there are many underutilized areas on Whim to settle the Adlit.”
“This is the word from our king, you have 6 hours!” the Whim Ambassador storms out.
Jeremy has already taken his seat during the debates. He whispers to the General, “If they vote for peace, it will give time to the Meeran’s to prepare their forces.”
“It will give us time as well.”
Later the General, Jeremy and the Chancellor meet together in his office to todays events.
“The Adlit have been instigating this for years.” Said Jeremy.
“There is no excuse for genocide and I refuse just stand aside and just let it happened. Our bureaucracy has turned the empire impudent.” responded the Chancellor.
“It gets worse, I just got word from Frontier, the early warning system picked up some movement. Right now we think it’s just a scout. The Warren are like sharks, they can spell blood. If we don’t start moving our forces into position, we could end up over-run. If we do, those sons-of-bitches will pick up that the Empire has become unstable.”
“I think we’re screwed all the way around.” Said Jeremy, “I also think it’s time to lift the restrictions on the humans, you’re going to need us.”
“And have them cause another uprising?” Snapped the chancellor.
The General chimed in, “Let’s not bullshit, the humans were right. What has happened is in the past. What the hell are we going to do now?”
The secretary comes in, “Sir, they voted to sign a treaty and are announcing it on the front steps to the press.”
“Do I have no say?” The Chancellor got up and ran out to the front steps security in tow. There he found a crowd of reporters listening to a speech from the Trade Union Ambassador. The weather was damp, and they all had umbrellas.
“We regard this agreement that we signed moments ago, as a symbol of the hopes of our people never to go to war with one another. I hope this means peace for our era.”
“Chancellor...Chancellor?” cried out the reporters looking for a response.
He walked up and said, “I fear we just traded peace for the lives of all Adlit. History will not judge us lightly unless we rewrite it to cover our own shame. No matter how many times you may wash, the stains will remain... ”
The General took Jeremy aside while the Chancellor talked to the press. “Looks like we’ll have to work around these assholes if we are to save ourselves.”
“Start training humans,” reasserting Jeremy. “Look, everything is spoken for, if parliament wants to lock everything up then we need to look outside the box. If we start training humans, we can say it’s for a simple defense a force, or the merchant navy. What choice do we have, make a deal with the pirates?”
“I trust human far more than pirates.” Said the General. “Let’s not put all our eggs in one basket. How long till the planetary defense system can be brought on-line?”
“Not sure, it’s been mothballed about a decade. Some of them may not even be in orbit. You’ll have your work cut out for you.”
“Yes... I need you back on Frontier, find out what Bianca is doing. The Chancellor’s chief of security will go with you, his name is Connor Rain. Proceed with your idea and see if you can make merchant sailors out of your top students, I’ll get the authorization from this end. Also, if Jacob is really your brother, it might help to get some face time.”
“What? You want me to call him.”
“No, I want you to meet him.”
In the middle of the night the Chancellor and his wife are sleeping soundly. The sound of the communicator goes off. The Chancellor quickly silences it and goes to the next room as to not disturb his wife.
He answers it to see an image of his security officer on the screen. “It better be good, Connor.” said the chancellor half asleep.
“The Meeran have arrived on Whim. Several large battles ensued and the Arks are again taking off. Preliminary reports are that the capital city is nearly leveled. Jacob promised support to ‘rebuild and return everything to normal.’ I think they intend to say on the surface for a very long time.” Said security chief Connor.
The Chancellor takes a moment to clear his thoughts, “Any idea where the Arks are going?”
“They were headed to the forbidden zone, which brings me to the next subject. We sent a scout to check up on that early warning from Frontier. It’s already two days overdue. It is presumed destroyed.”
“Thanks, Connor, if this is it, I will get some more sleep before coming in early. You have a safe journey to Frontier.”
“No sir that is all. Thank you.” the screen goes black.
The Chancellor got up and walks through his house as if looking for ghosts or that he was lost. Finally he walks to the balcony sits down and looks up at the stars, smiles. That moment quickly fades, he pulls out a cigarette to calm himself and help him decide what he must do.
He figures he’s damned no matter what. Does he dare effect matters outside his powers of office? He ponders such questions, using the cigarette to delay as long as possible. When he finished he knew what he had to do.
“What are you waiting for?” asked the voice in the shadow.
The doctor said you’d go away.” he responded.
“You may be the only one that can hear me, but that doesn’t make me any less real. Perhaps Plato is correct, only the shadows are real, the rest are only illusions.”
“If you’re real then who else are you manipulating?”
“It’s all part of the Grand Design. We all have our rolls.”
He goes back to the communicator and turns in on. “Interstellar Tel Please.” The communicator pauses and a large logo appears on the screen. “Direct connect Cleo, Chairman Christopher Atlas.”
Christopher's face shows up, “Chancellor? What can I do for you?”
“I need your connections. I have a business opportunity for you.”
“Hmm... I’m kinda in the hot seat right now, my ID was used in a recent theft.”